Door & Roof Extrication and EMS Extrication Response Drill for 06/18/18
By Vista Fire Department
June 19, 2018

This week's Monday Night Drill was a "Door & Roof Extrication" drill for our Firefighters and a "EMS Extrication Response" drill for our EMTs.

The "Door & Roof Extrication" drill had our Firefighters practicing how to properly perform an extrication when a car is on it's side against an object and a car that is on it's roof. Vista Firefighters took the stabilization techniques that they learned from last week's drill and carried it over to the extrication portion of this week's drill. This type of training is part of the month long initiative for our members to learn how to properly handle motor vehicle accident response.

The "EMS Extrication Response" drill had our EMS personnel going over the types of equipment they will need on an extrication scene and how it will be properly used in various different scenarios. Vista EMS personnel also reviewed how to properly stabilize a patient's neck and back during a motor vehicle accident. Lastly, our members put together everything they have reviewed the last two weeks by going through several training scenarios and applying the skills they have learned.

If you are interested in being part of our team at the Vista FD, visit us any Monday night from 6:30pm - 9:30pm or click the "Become a Member" tab at for more details!