Forcible Entry & EMS In-Service Drill for 6/27/16
By Vista Fire Department
June 28, 2016

This week's Monday drill was "Forcible Entry" for our Firefighters and an "EMS In-Service" Drill for our EMT's.

Our EMT's went over "check and inject" during their in-service drill as they reviewed the policies & procedures on Epi-Pen auto injectors, they went over how to use the suction on our Ambulances and did some training on our Lucas CPR machine. The "Lucas 2 electric CPR device" is an automatic chest compression system that performs manual chest compressions at a high quality and volume. It helps First Responders from not being tired during CPR compressions by giving adequate chest compressions in accordance with the latest CPR guidelines.

The Firefighters reviewed "Forcible Entry" this past Monday night as they trained on the proper procedures and techniques on how to force open a door in the event of a Fire. The term "forcible entry" is defined as the act of gaining entry into a building or occupancy via a door, window or even through a wall, by the use of force. The Vista Firefighters specifically focused their training this Monday on gaining entry via a door by using our Forcible Entry prop.

If you would like to become a Vista Firefighter or EMT please visit and click the "Become a Member" tab and join today!