MPO & Hose Line Advancement and PCRs & RMAs Drill for 07/09/18
By Vista Fire Department
July 10, 2018

This week's Monday Night Drill was a "MPO & Hose Line Advancement" drill for our Firefighters and a "PCRs & RMAs" drill for our EMTs.

The "MPO & Hose Line Advancement" drill had our Firefighters practicing how to stretch 1-3/4" hose lines off of Engine 143 while Engine 142 practiced drafting and filling Tanker 4. Motor pump operators on Engine 143 practiced acting as water supply for a structure fire scenario while motor pump operators on Engine 142 practiced how to fill the Tanker from a draft site. This type of training is essential for our motor pump operators to understand the importance of their role at every structure fire while our Firefighters learned how to properly advance a charged 1-3/4" hose line.

The "PCRs & RMAs" drill had our EMS personnel reviewing & learning how to properly document a prehospital care report (PCR) and refusing medical attention (RMA) form. Vista EMS personnel were then given a call scenario where they wrote a mock PCR and reviewed how well they did documenting the call. This type of training is important for our current EMTs to review throughout the year and for our EMT Candidates to understand how to properly document the call when they are on scene acting as an assistant or scribe.

If you are interested in being part of our team at the Vista FD, visit us any Monday night from 6:30pm - 9:30pm or click the "Become a Member" tab at for more details!