Engine 141 wins Best Fire Apparatus and Ambulance 84B1 wins Best Ambulance at the 2018 Annual Dinner
By Vista Fire Department
June 5, 2018

The Vista Fire Department would like to congratulate Engine 141 on winning the Best Fire Apparatus and Ambulance 84B1 on winning the Best Ambulance trophy at the 2018 Vista Fire Department Annual Inspection Dinner.

Engine 141 was led by Asst. Chief Mike Peck & Lead Foreman Marc Baiocco, while Ambulance 84B1 was led by Capt. Debbie Ferman & Foreman Karen Lilly.

Congratulations to the crews of both Engine 141 & Ambulance 84B1, and many thanks to all the other apparatus crews who sacrificed hours of their time to prepare their apparatus for this year's Annual Inspection Dinner!